Archive for August, 2013

Tomato Update

Tomato sauce bubbling away on the stove is a happy thing.  I think that the Giant Italian Paste tomatoes make the best sauce. They do not have as many seeds as other varieties and the sauce thickens quickly.  It smells good in here. I take the green tomato stems out to my chickens. It is […]

August 30, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Garden, Kitchen


The tomatoes are finally abundant enough to do some serious sauce! It’s about time! The extreme hot weather has been good for something. Cutting off an old pair of jeans into shorts improves my comfort zone. I would not wear them anywhere except the garden and the kitchen, but they sure do help to keep […]

August 29, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Garden, Kitchen

Hiding Out

I am officially “Hiding Out” and running the air conditioner full blast. It is way too hot to be outside. Early this morning, I watered the hanging flower baskets, collected the eggs, and picked some basil to make Pesto. That is the extent of the outdoor activities today. From now on, I will enjoy the […]

August 27, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations

School is Starting – Pray for Protection

FYI I am praying for my Grandchildren who are going back to school.  “School Prayers” also include children of friends who will be starting new schools this year. I have included my daughter in law who teaches elementary school in Indiana and my husband who teaches in a Technical college. Teachers need prayer too. At […]

August 26, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations

Celebrating the Elderberry

My kitchen is the center for the Elderberry celebration. What comes out of it will be Elderberry Syrup (flu and cold prevention and treatment), Elderberry Jam, and Elderberry pie (to make Bob happy). The first picking and cleaning was last night. It takes longer to remove the berries from the stems than it does to […]

August 23, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Kitchen

Chicken Soup

I wasn’t feeling well, so I called a friend and asked her to pray. She prayed and arrived with homemade chicken soup. What a blessing! The Body of Christ in operation is a beautiful thing.

August 22, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations, Kitchen


The  Constitution of the United states of America declares that I have the God given right to pursue happiness. While  I live, I will pursue happiness.  I will support the document that gives me that right. I  applaud men like Phil Robinson, who stands up and speaks up. He is one of my new found […]

August 22, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations

Elderberries Are Ripe

My Elderberry bush is a vision of what is soon to become jars of Elderberry Jam.  Elderberry pie is good too. Yum!

August 20, 2013 · Sarah · 2 Comments
Posted in: Garden

Beautiful Hands

I used to have long red fingernails. Back in the day, I had soft hands. Now, my nails are short and stubby, some are splitting. They wear a coat of clear polish. The hands are not soft. My hands work in a big garden growing food for my family. My hands preserve that food for […]

August 20, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations


The tiny cabbage seeds have come full circle. They grew into huge green cabbages in the main garden. The next step, was to turn them into sour kraut. Today, I will be canning the kraut.  Since moving to the farm, twenty years ago, I have learned to appreciate and to celebrate each season of things.  […]

August 15, 2013 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Garden, Kitchen