In all the turmoil raining down on America, it is good to focus on the simple, everyday things. Today, I will enjoy the quiet time, the ordinary times, and be thankful to the Lord.
Bob is a “Happy Camper”. He really enjoyed his breakfast of French toast with maple syrup, fresh eggs from our chickens and turkey bacon. Now, he is in his favorite chair watching the Green Bay Packers play football. On a portable table in front of him is his lap top computer. He is grading papers, on line, from his Electronics students at Ridgewater Tech. college. It is called multitasking.
The old farm house is warm and cozy. The puppy is taking a nap in his playpen. Our big garden is sleeping under a blanket of snow. The sheep are in the barn watching snow flakes float down. Their straw is dry, a new salt bloc is in place, and the bins are full of hay. The breakfast eggs were collected early from the chickens. The hens are busy avoiding the rooster and cleaning up food in their feeder. It is a sleepy day, a regular day, with nothing special going on. That is our blessing. It is peaceful here, a day to rest.
December 4, 2016
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Contemplations, Uncategorized
One Response
Ah yes, the joy of big, fluffy puppies! My puppy, Riley is just over a year old, a bit over 100 pounds and Great Pyrenees/Anatolian
Shepherd cross. He is with me 24/7 out on the farm and in the house. The BEST company, entertainment and security system available! Now if he would just learn to run the vacuum cleaner. LOL
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