Country Diary
Milk and Honey Farm is COUNTRY WITH AN ATTITUDE ! For years, while living in Dallas, Texas, our dreams circled around building a sustainable lifestyle on a homestead in the country. Those speculations and plans are now a reality. WE ARE DOING IT.
I used to pour over the monthly issue of Country magazine or one of the home steading books like, Back to Basics. One of my favorites columns had an article by an Amish farm wife. She was interesting and informative and also AMAZING. It was hard to conceive, while curled up in my favorite chair, in my air conditioned town house in Texas, that women could do all that work and be so happy about it.
I understand now. She loved what she was doing, and so what seemed like hard work to me was recreation for her. That is now my reality and I do a TON of work.
The purpose of the COUNTRY DAIRY is to acquaint our visitors with the daily happenings of a modern homestead. My hope is that it will encourage your heart to pursue your own dreams and establish your own "Country with an Attitude".

Part of country living is country cooking. Visit the Country Kitchen page to see Sarah at work - Bob too!
"It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matt 4:4
"My husband and I have had some wonderfully refreshing times with Bob and Sarah, going fishing, staying overnight, seeing their lovely greenhouse, garden, and healthy animals. They certainly have the gift of hospitality and Sarah is an awesome cook! Be sure to bring a camera and pen with paper for taking notes because they have so much valuable information to share. They've really done their homework and have a showcase homestead to prove it." Margaret M., MN