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Community Ed Tour 2003              

Matt, a garden helper, has completed the cabbage harvest.Colorful perenial flowers in bloom.The Milk and Honey Farm is committed to sustainable agriculture and to producing top quality organic foods. Sarah and Bob's 10,000 square foot organic garden combines raised beds, companion planting, mulch, compost, heirloom seed, and more, to produce the abundant harvest that feeds them.  


Trays of setouts in the greenhouse.Bob making raised beds with the tiller.Varieties of herbs and flowers are mixed in with the vegetables to create a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere. Because their goal is bio-sustainable self-sufficiency, they are to able to produce about 95% of their own food!


Chocolate mint and other herbs.Yarrow plants in bloom.All participants must be pre-registered. The tour is for adults only - no children or smokers please. Participants will meet at the farm, located 6 miles southwest of Cokato. Ask for directions when you register. Pictures are worth a thousand words - visit their website at: for more information about the farm and the products they sell.


A honey bee is collecting pollen on this sunflower.Activity #1111
Thursday, July 17th 2003
6:30-8:30pm - Milk and Honey Farm
Fee: $6


Echinacia, or purple coneflower, is used in teas and tonics.Activity #1112
Saturday, July 19th 2003
9:30-11:30am - Milk and Honey Farm
Fee: $6  

Phone: 320-286-2865 9AM - 9PM USA Central Time Please    Email Us: milkandhoneyfarm    Privacy Policy

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