After breeding Great Pyrenees for eight years and seeing a lot of puppies, I know better that to let myself become attached to any of them. They will all be sold and gone, usually by the time they are eight-weeks old. My tender heart could not handle missing them, so I keep them at an emotional distance.
To every one of my "rules" there is always an exception. Here she is. She is an charming Pry pup that has a great future ahead of her. She is bright, alert, and very friendly. She adapts well to all the animals here on the farm. She has met all the adult Pyrenees fearlessly. She has watched over the baby lambs and not flinched when confronted by the goose population. Perhaps her favorite thing is to play tag games with the poodles. It resembles—a pounce, a bounce and a wild chase game. They play until one of them calls a time out and then they nap together in a pile of Pyr puppy and poodles. She really likes my big orange cat—they have a mutual respect and understanding.
On three different occasions, three familes almost bought her, but they ended up taking male pups instead. Each time, I held my breath and hoped they would not want her. She is special and designed for a place and purpose that only she can fill. I would keep her in a heart beat but Bob seems to think that seven Great Pyrenees and two poodles are enough. He is probably right. I like this puppy and hope that whoever buys her will keep in touch with me. I would love to see her in a year, when she is all grown up and beautiful. Meanwhile, I will enjoy her company and wait for her "special people" to come and take her home.