Archive for the ‘News’ Category

The New Blog – Boomers and Beyond. Life

I would like to invite you to check out the new Blog and the new web site. (Boomers and Beyond.Life) It is my own personal protest against the filth that comes up on Facebook, Twitter, and the evening news.  It will focus on “All Things Bright and Beautiful”. I like to tell stories and take […]

April 2, 2017 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations, Garden, Herds and Flocks, Kitchen, News, Save Money

New Blog Coming Soon

On and off for years, I have been blogging on our web site, Milk and Honey  Today, I have begun a brand new Blog project. Bob is doing all the technical things to make it work. I will be writing and taking pictures. Information follows as ideas become reality.  Having fun now!!!

March 14, 2017 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: News

Spring Things at Milk and Honey Farm

March is in full spring, with over 1000 plants growing under lights in the basement. They will be moved to the Hoop House green house by the end of the month. ( involves lifting and toting)  The baby chicks and ducklings will arrive in mid March which means the brooder will need cleaning out and […]

March 6, 2017 · Sarah · One Comment
Posted in: Garden, Herds and Flocks, News

Good News and Bad News

So there is Good News and Bad news today. Last night, we took Bob’s old Van to the shop to have a noise in the engine checked out. His van had to stay overnight. As a result, this morning, he was driving my Van.  The bad news is that he had a confrontation with four […]

February 16, 2017 · Sarah · 2 Comments
Posted in: News


My barn is full of pregnant sheep and cats. Can’t wait for the lambs and kittens to arrive. Smiling now.

April 16, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: News

The Good News

The Good News is that the storm with high winds and hail did not touch my plastic Hoop House green house. All the plants are safe inside. The bad news in the wind blew a  farm wagon into the side of Bob’s van and smashed out windows. The good news is that the hail did […]

April 2, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: News


I saw three Robins this morning – a good sign that there is an end to another Minnesota winter and I lived!

March 13, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: News

Cherry Tomatoes

I planted Brandy wine, Amish Paste, Delicious, Italian Paste, and more heirloom tomato seeds under grow lights. The first to germinate are the Cherry tomatoes. They are sticking up about 1/2 an inch. This makes me Happy! Happy! Happy! It is hard to wait for Spring in Minnesota. I plant seeds under the grow lights […]

February 25, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Garden, Great Pyrs, Herds and Flocks, News

Bob’s Computer Project

Anyone can go out and buy a computer. Bob builds them for fun. My kitchen has been his work shop this week end. He is heavy into winter project mode.

February 8, 2015 · Bob · No Comments
Posted in: News

Bob’s Plane Project

Bob spent 20 years in the Air Force. He still likes planes, except now he builds them. This one is called an Alpha jet. He will fly it in the pasture beside our house–once the snow melts.  It will fly at 35-40 miles per hour. He will operate the transmitter from the ground, ( an […]

February 8, 2015 · Bob · 3 Comments
Posted in: News