Seeds in the Soil
I am planting cabbage seeds to be grown up under gro lights in the basement. They don”t look like much, rather like a tray full of potting soil and a marker that says “cabbage”. Eventually, they will be transferred to the main garden and grow until harvest. They will fulfill their destiny and become sauerkraut. Right now, only I know that there are seeds in the soil.
Those tiny seeds are much like my prayers. They are tiny and obscure and hidden in the heart of God. Eventually they will rise up and take root. Those prayers will fulfill their destiny. Right now, only I, and the One who hears prayers, know that they are there. They are my “seeds in the soil” for family, friends, and country. Like the tiny cabbage seeds, there will be a harvest!
February 23, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Garden
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