Archive for the ‘Herds and Flocks’ Category

The New Blog – Boomers and Beyond. Life

I would like to invite you to check out the new Blog and the new web site. (Boomers and Beyond.Life) It is my own personal protest against the filth that comes up on Facebook, Twitter, and the evening news.  It will focus on “All Things Bright and Beautiful”. I like to tell stories and take […]

April 2, 2017 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations, Garden, Herds and Flocks, Kitchen, News, Save Money

Spring Things at Milk and Honey Farm

March is in full spring, with over 1000 plants growing under lights in the basement. They will be moved to the Hoop House green house by the end of the month. ( involves lifting and toting)  The baby chicks and ducklings will arrive in mid March which means the brooder will need cleaning out and […]

March 6, 2017 · Sarah · One Comment
Posted in: Garden, Herds and Flocks, News

Spring Lambs 2017

Our Polypay lambs will be born in April and ready to go to their new homes in June.  We will have Ram lambs and Ewe lambs for sale. Bottle lambs may also be available. All lambs must be picked up at Milk and Honey Farm in Minnesota. Check out photos and info at  We […]

February 12, 2017 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Herds and Flocks

February 1st 2017 a very good day

Today is going to be a good one. There are two catalogs on the table next to my favorite chair. One is from Cackle Hatchery, the other from Wood Prairie Family Farm. Soon, I will be ordering my spring chicks and ducks.( Pekin baby Ducks, Barred Rock and Buff Orpington chicks) They will live in […]

February 1, 2017 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Garden, Herds and Flocks

Bottle Babies

Three of my baby lambs are a little slower growing that the others. This often happens with multiple births. So–I get to fill up baby bottles with a lamb milk replacer and bottle feed the babies. There is something very special about holding a baby lamb on my lap and giving it a bottle.  Going […]

May 12, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Herds and Flocks

Lamb Lambs and more Lambs

Our lambing season is officially over. We ended on a high note and had two sets of triplet lambs this morning. Our final total from ten Mother sheep, is 20 lambs born.  This is a huge blessing–the Moms and babies are doing good.  Our Polypay sheep often have multiple births –lots of twins and occasionally […]

May 6, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Herds and Flocks

Pyrenees Puppies Going Home

Our Pyr Pups are going to their “forever” homes this week.  If you would like  information, give me a call at (320) 286-2865. I  will return calls if you leave a message. Spring is a Happy, Happy, Happy time. The greenhouse is full of plants and our sheep will be having babies any minute now.

April 19, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Garden, Great Pyrs, Herds and Flocks

Cat spray ??

My Tom cat has been banished to the barn. He disgraced himself by spraying in the root cellar and the basement . My question is “How do I get rid of the smell”? It is gross. Please help if you know the answer.

March 17, 2015 · Sarah · One Comment
Posted in: Herds and Flocks

Cherry Tomatoes

I planted Brandy wine, Amish Paste, Delicious, Italian Paste, and more heirloom tomato seeds under grow lights. The first to germinate are the Cherry tomatoes. They are sticking up about 1/2 an inch. This makes me Happy! Happy! Happy! It is hard to wait for Spring in Minnesota. I plant seeds under the grow lights […]

February 25, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Garden, Great Pyrs, Herds and Flocks, News

What to do when

When it is four degrees above zero outside and it is warm in the old farm house, I stay inside.  The war against winter still goes on. Today, I will be placing my order for baby chicks and ducks from Cackle Hatchery.  Next, more herb seeds will be planted under grow lights.  Finally, I will […]

February 4, 2015 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Garden, Herds and Flocks