The New Blog – Boomers and Beyond. Life
I would like to invite you to check out the new Blog and the new web site. (Boomers and Beyond.Life) It is my own personal protest against the filth that comes up on Facebook, Twitter, and the evening news. It will focus on “All Things Bright and Beautiful”. I like to tell stories and take pictures. My hope is that it will be a Blessing to you and to those you Love.
April 2, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Contemplations, Garden, Herds and Flocks, Kitchen, News, Save Money
New Blog Coming Soon
On and off for years, I have been blogging on our web site, Milk and Honey Today, I have begun a brand new Blog project. Bob is doing all the technical things to make it work. I will be writing and taking pictures. Information follows as ideas become reality. Having fun now!!!
March 14, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: News
Spring Things at Milk and Honey Farm
March is in full spring, with over 1000 plants growing under lights in the basement. They will be moved to the Hoop House green house by the end of the month. ( involves lifting and toting) The baby chicks and ducklings will arrive in mid March which means the brooder will need cleaning out and the heat lamps set up. Bob will pick up the Nucs for the bee hives the first week of April. They will need to be moved into their forever homes and the hives arranged close to the garden. In mid April, our lambing season begins. I have always been the main mid wife in the birthing activities. My concern is that due to the recovery going on in my back, I may be limited in what I can do. In May, the planting begins. (involves digging, stooping, and bending)We have a 10,000 square foot main garden, and eight Pedestal gardens. This year, we plan on experimenting with some straw bale gardening too. In addition, the Spring cleaning ritual is necessary , actually more than necessary. It will take a while just to get organized. ( more physical activity)
I love my life on the farm. Every year, there are new wonders to discover and enjoy. It will all be good. Help always seems to show up when I need it most. Learning how to Pray and Rest is perhaps the most valuable thing I have learned living this lifestyle. It is my Happy Place!
March 6, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Garden, Herds and Flocks, News
Seeds in the Soil
I am planting cabbage seeds to be grown up under gro lights in the basement. They don”t look like much, rather like a tray full of potting soil and a marker that says “cabbage”. Eventually, they will be transferred to the main garden and grow until harvest. They will fulfill their destiny and become sauerkraut. Right now, only I know that there are seeds in the soil.
Those tiny seeds are much like my prayers. They are tiny and obscure and hidden in the heart of God. Eventually they will rise up and take root. Those prayers will fulfill their destiny. Right now, only I, and the One who hears prayers, know that they are there. They are my “seeds in the soil” for family, friends, and country. Like the tiny cabbage seeds, there will be a harvest!
February 23, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Garden
Kitchen Project
I want to learn to cook with Teff. Bob is bringing home some Teff flour tonight. Our favorite place to eat when we visit Indiana is an Ethiopian restaurant in Fort Wayne. They serve wonderful veggies and meat dishes on top of a huge Teff pancake thing. We eat with our hands, breaking off a piece of the Teff and using it as a scoop. I found some Ethiopian Spices that we love. I use them in rice and vegetables. My next kitchen project is Teff. It begins tomorrow.
February 21, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Kitchen
Slow and Steady
Before I fell, my usual walking time was a mile in 15 minutes..and I went two to three miles. After the fall ( seven weeks after to be exact) I am walking at a mile in 30 minutes and walking one mile.  My goal is to not be concerned at the distance or the pace. My goal is to keep at it! I will move faster and go farther as my back continues to heal.
My puppy, Bentley,( King Charles Cavalier) is learning to “heal” and to “sit”. He loves our walks and is leaning nice walking manners. Dallas (Great Pyrenees ) is excellent on the lead. All that obedience class training is paying off. Sometimes, I feel like a parade! “Slow and Steady as she goes.”
February 17, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Contemplations, Great Pyrs
Good News and Bad News
So there is Good News and Bad news today. Last night, we took Bob’s old Van to the shop to have a noise in the engine checked out. His van had to stay overnight. As a result, this morning, he was driving my Van. The bad news is that he had a confrontation with four adult deer out on Bear Lake Road.
The good news is that the shop called on the old Van and it is nothing serious–just old parts starting to wear out. The bad news is that it will cost about three hundred dollars to replace a belt! The good news on my Van is that Bob is not hurt. He missed three out of the four deer. The bad news is that Number four deer dented the front fender, wrecked the mirror on the drivers side, and scraped up the side door. Who knows what that will cost ???
To every event there can be Good News and Bad News. I will focus on the Good News with our Vans today. It is an effort!!
February 16, 2017
Sarah ·
Posted in: News
Spring Lambs 2017
Our Polypay lambs will be born in April and ready to go to their new homes in June. We will have Ram lambs and Ewe lambs for sale. Bottle lambs may also be available. All lambs must be picked up at Milk and Honey Farm in Minnesota. Check out photos and info at We require a deposit to be placed on our waiting list. Email me or call. I love to talk about my lambs. Happy Spring!
February 12, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Herds and Flocks
Yesterday, I took Bentley on his lead, and we walked a mile. We walked slowly and carefully. This would normally be no big deal. But to me now, it was a very big deal. Six weeks ago, I fell and fractured a vertebra in my back. I am so grateful for the prayers and to the Lord who is answering. It was such a blessing to enjoy the sun shine, the country road, and the happy puppy by my side.
The journey of healing can be short or long. What matters most, is that He goes with me every step of the way.
February 11, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Contemplations
Bob likes to buy me books. He understands that I love to read. He just gave me a book called “You Carried Me” by Melissa Ohden. Melissa is the survivor of a botched abortion. She details her search for her biological parents and her journey from anger and shame to faith and forgiveness. This is a true story.
It has been six weeks since I fell and fractured a vertebra in my back. I am healing amazingly fast and am so grateful for the prayers of my friends and family. It is helping me to heal by resting a lot. Reading is rest for me. Thank you, Bob.
February 10, 2017
Sarah ·
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Posted in: Contemplations