Spaghetti Sauce from the Land of Milk and Honey Farm

On the back burner of the stove  sits my biggest pot.  Inside, simmers a wonderful blend of meat, vegetables, herbs, and spices.  The tomatoes, onions, garlic,  and peppers were grown in the main garden last summer.  The basil  and oregano are from my herb garden next to the green house.  The meat is Venison that was a gift from a friend.  This glorious blend of spaghetti sauce will be draped over noodles, covered with a blend of melted Italian cheeses, and draped with Pesto.  The big pot holds  several gallons of sauce. This  batch will provide our supper and  several company dinners.

The  kitchen smells wonderful. The only items that I had to buy were noodles and cheese.  This makes for a lot of very inexpensive meals.  As the weather turns colder, the kitchen becomes my office.  It is all good!

Deuteronomy 28:5  “Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.”

November 27, 2012 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Kitchen

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