
The sun is shinning and it is bright out there.  I am contemplating climbing into  my long johns, leashing up a couple of  the big dogs and going for a long walk.  The air is crisp and clean. It smells like winter. The poodle will have to stay home. He went to the groomer last week and she  cut his fur too short for winter hikes.

Walking is good for me for a lot of reasons. It clears my head from busyness, it helps keep my weight down, and I can talk out loud to God.  He always walks with me.  When people drive by on the road, they must wonder whom I am talking to.

Leviticus 26:12 “I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be my people”.

November 29, 2012 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Great Pyrs

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