Surival techniques

This winter in Minnesota is a BEAR, No doubt about it! Each day, I can make a choice. When the snow comes in a fury, I can make snow angels or shovel. My preference are angels. My plan for surviving today is in full swing.#1 Dinner will be hot, spicy, Indian food. It really helps with the warm up. Lots of peppers, turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, cumin, and ginger are incorporated, along with the rice and vegetables.#2 Seeds will be planted under the grow lights. Right now, they are covered up with potting soil. However, I can imagine them growing tall and green.#3 The refrig will be cleaned out. I will get it over with and consider myself awesome for the effort.#4 I will walk for two miles in the living room with an exercise video. It goes for five miles, but two is my speed. It will take about half an hour. My exercise attitude toward winter is “Ha! You did not make me fat and flabby because I had to stay inside”.#5 I will pray for several friends who need it. One good thing about winter is that I have more time to pray.

Tonight, just beforeВ  sleep, I will smile at another day of winter and declare myself the winner!



January 23, 2014 В· Sarah В· No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations

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