It looks like Tesse will be the first of my Great Pyrenees to have her puppies. We moved herВ inside today. She will love the whelping box, enjoy all the extra petting, and devourer mega amounts of dog food. (plus her vitamins, raw eggs, and lamb patties)В Considering the wind chill is minus 50 degrees, it seemed the right thing to do. The cold weather does not bother my Pyrs. They bunk in the old red barn. However, we always arrange the basement as a puppy nursery and that works out well for all of us.В The Mama dogs, the pups, and me. I would not last long in the barn on a pile of straw! Tess is good company for me in the house. Her photo is on the web site Pyr page. She is all white and was bred to Boaz.В www.milkandhoneyfarm.com
January 27, 2014
Sarah В·
Posted in: Great Pyrs
2 Responses
So excited. Thanks for bringing her inside! Love you. dj
Congrats!!! Blessings and Great Grace on Tesse and the Puppies
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