Winter Wait
Winter is a waiting time. Today, I am waiting for the Great Pyrenees puppies to be born. I am waiting for the plants to germinate under the grow lights. I am waiting for my neighbor to plow snow that blocks the drive way. I am waiting for my Prayers to be answered on issues close to my heart. Puppies, Plants, Plowing, and Prayers are waiting with me today. The pups will be born soon. The seeds will sprout into beautiful herbs and vegetables. My good neighbor will come with his tractor and plow the driveway. The Lord will answer my prayers. Waiting is okay when you know the outcome. Hope in the future is a beautiful thing.
January 30, 2014
Sarah ·
One Comment
Posted in: Contemplations, Garden, Great Pyrs
One Response
“while we wait for the blessed hope–the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,”
Titus 2:13.
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