Dealing With It

The back porch thermometer reads 20 degrees below zero. It is cold.  There is bread baking in the oven and soup cooking in the big kettle. I will be calling in all my garden seed orders and answering e mails. The class I am enrolled in has homework. No more excuses, I will study. The poodle is inside with me. He is snoozing on the lamb skin rug.

My interesting observation is that the frigid cold is no big deal to my animals. The Great Pyrenees adult dogs are sleeping on top of the compost pile behind the garden.  The kitty is sleeping on top of the Pyr puppies in the barn. The chickens came out for awhile and are now about the business of laying eggs.  The rabbits are just sitting in the outside run of the hutch. The sheep are in the side shed, munching hay. They look bored.  There are wild birds enjoying the feeder outside my kitchen window.

Winter has settled in around us. I wear long johns under my jeans, drink  cups of herb tea, and cook the food we raised last summer. Bob does the outside chores. He heats up the Van before I get in.  These are quiet, contemplative, days. The pace is slow and steady. In a few months, the sheep will be lambing, the greenhouse full of plants and another litter of Pyr pups will have arrived. I will be busy.

Ecclesiastes 3:1   To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven;



January 19, 2012 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations, Garden, Great Pyrs, Herds and Flocks, Kitchen

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