Plan B

It is only 9 a.m. and I have had it. All the pots of flowers have been watered, all the animals fed and watered, green things picked for stir fry, eggs gathered, and my early “Walk and Pray” accomplished.  It is just too hot for me to work  outside today. The prediction is for  intensive heat all week. So……”Plan B” is in effect as of right now.

I will be working inside on the class for St. Johns to be taught in August. Bob and I will be double teaming. This class is open to the public and the church has air conditioning!!   I also need to work on my topic for Global Harvesttime Church in Minneapolis,  for Sunday morning, July 22nd. (call or e mail for info)

My kitchen is air conditioned so I am seriously considering cleaning out the pantry.  The cupboards need help too. It will be good to have things in order when the harvest begins.

The books that are half read will be completed this week. There is a big pile of them on the table beside my favorite chair.  I was making good progress until the garden took over my time.

I will talk on the phone, visit with friends, catch up on the email, and relax! Hooray for “Plan B”!!!

July 2, 2012 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Contemplations, Garden

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