Sun Oven

It is serious hot when I start cooking in my sun oven.  Last night, I soaked some back beans. This morning I added some turkey sausage, garlic, onions, salt and pepper. Next, I cut some fresh herbs and stirred the pot. (Oregano, Basil, and Chives) As I type, the pot of beans is simmering away in the sun oven in the back yard. They will be yummy good about dinner time. The stove will not be on all day, probably all week. The sun oven works for me.

I am going to mix up a batch of Jalapeno corn bread to bake in the oven later this afternoon. Thinking about making some sun tea to go with it. There is fresh mint from the herb garden that will be great in the sun tea.

I can complain about the heat, or I can get creative. Today, the creative  juices are flowing!


July 3, 2012 · Sarah · No Comments
Posted in: Kitchen

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